Throughout 2020 shoppers have gotten used to shopping online. They can shop from the comfort of their homes, scroll to find what they are looking for and then place an order to be delivered to their door.
How can people shop your store from the comfort of their homes? There are a variety of ways. Posting various items from your store on social media, creating video a walk through of what you have available, shop your website, and remember to share what you offer regarding delivery, curbside pickup, private shopping etc. **Remember that people need to see something 7 times before they choose to take action. When you are posting remember to tag your location in Prince Albert so that people know where you are located. Also use #shoplocalYPA in order to participate in our local shopping campaign. Want more tips, click here for a previous post which would be helpful. Below you will find a few suggestions for things that you can post on social media throughout December.
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